Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Asherons » Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:24 pm

i been stuck on WoW classic, but will buy buying links awakening once i am sufficently bored of WoW again

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Snowy » Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:24 am

I played WoW classic for I think about 5 days. That was enough to convince me I really didn't need it back in my life :lol:
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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Asherons » Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:09 am

Snowy wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:24 am
I played WoW classic for I think about 5 days. That was enough to convince me I really didn't need it back in my life :lol:
yeah i am running on fumes still playing it. only really sticking with it cause i have a few RL buddies playing. and i am Dual boxing so its added some new dynamic for me.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by The Jackal » Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:07 am

Donkey Kong Country came out 25 years ago yesterday. Fuck me.
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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Mantis » Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:38 pm

Did anybody pick up the new Pokemon? It's more of the same really but it feels quite nice being able to play on the big screen for a change.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Raid » Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:31 pm

Yeah, I picked it up on release. I did start to write a first impressions post, but I think I accidentally closed the tab before hitting submit.

I think very few franchises would survive releasing an entry this lazy, but the core gameplay loop of Pokemon is still so satisfying and it survives entirely on this. This should have been a huge game to mark the main series' first appearance on a home console, but on a technical level it's pitiful. It looks like a Wii game, albeit with an art style that saves it. The animation is pathetic; for example the animation for Tail Whip simply spins the model on its axis, and then another few short rotations to suggest the animal waving its tail (the tail itself doesn't animate) before returning to its original position. The sound is equally disappointing, with only Pikachu (and I'm guessing Eevee) having an actual voice because it had one in the Let's Go games last year; everything else just has a sample that sounds barely better than it did on the Gameboy. The lack of voicing even extends to the human characters; characters just randomly flap their lips and you read their dialogue as text. It's like they found a game design document from the 90s and just gave it a badly programmed 3D engine.

And yet it's still compelling. The monster designs are a bit hit and miss (I've missed a few generations so I don't really know which ones are new), but mostly decent, and needing to catch one of everything is still enough to keep me playing. It's nice that you can see Pokemon in the world now, rather than the game relying solely on random battles (although these still happen, they're usually different species from the ones you can see), so it's less frustrating than it used to be.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Mantis » Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:48 pm

Likewise, this is the first one for the main series I've put any real effort into since Ruby I think. I tried Moon and Black at one point but didn't really enjoy the 3DS as a handheld.

Let's Go Eevee was a nice reintroduction and exclusively featured the original 150 so this has been a nice change up where I'm not recognising almost everything I come across.

It's a shame they have basically stripped out all sense of challenge from the overworld sections. It's mad to think that a remake of Yellow which is directed even more so towards younger kids actually has more complex dungeon levels in than the new main entry into the series.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Raid » Sun Nov 24, 2019 2:17 pm

I had this conversation with someone I work with the other day. I think it's a damn shame that Let's Go wasn't just a full-on remake of the original Red/Green/Blue/Yellow games; they'd have saved themselves so much of the trouble that Sword and Shield seem to have had. Not only do they limit the number of Pokemon to just 150, and all of the economies that brings to animation and modeling, but even the remakes (GBA-era) are 15 years old now, and a lot of the intended audience wouldn't have even been born at the time, so they'd still be fresh to a good percentage of people.

I'd much rather have played Let's Go than Sword if only they hadn't replaced wild battles with that dreadful capture system.

Incidentally; this is the first main-series game I've played where I've barely touched my starter (Scorbunny). My mains have been a Pikachu, a Gyrados (that, yes, I evolved from a Magikarp) and a Rookadee/Corvisquire, with supporting roles played by a Krabby and a little fire centipede thing whose name I forget. I do tend to have a pattern when it comes to my Pokemon team makeup; I always pick the fire starter, I always take one of the early bird-types, and I try to get a good electric, ghost and psychic type as early as possible. In this one though I've tried to avoid creating an overpowered team early on, purposefully picking the slightly rubbish pokemon to avoid breezing through it - it's an interesting dynamic that's uncommon in RPGs that lets you tailor your own difficulty level, and this is the most frustration-free game in the series when it comes to keeping your entire team leveled (experience is shared among your whole team without needing to rely on an EXP-Share item).

I've just had my arse handed to me by the fire-type Gym leader, whose not-very-effective moves were still taking off a third to a half of every one of my squad's health bars, and my super-effective moves were doing maybe a quarter at most.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Mantis » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:27 pm

I picked Scorbunny too and find it cute enough that I kept him around even after the first evolution. I normally bench my starter when I start getting a good team together but I'm scraping around at the moment as I haven't done the first gym yet. This is the first time I've got my Pokedex to nearly 40 without even trying a gym though.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Medicine Man » Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:34 pm

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Raid » Thu Jan 09, 2020 5:19 pm

So Pokemon Sword and Shield are getting expansion packs, and there's a remake of the Mystery Dungeon games (from the DS and GBA) coming in March.

Not sure how I feel about expansion packs; I suppose it's better than launching a third game like they used to (Yellow, Platinum, Emerald etc.), but it remains to be seen whether they'll be worth the money (it's pretty steep at $30). They're adding lots of older Pokemon to the new games at the same time, and I get the feeling fans irritated by the lack of the full national dex will be up in arms because of this.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by DjchunKfunK » Thu Jan 09, 2020 5:43 pm

You can get the 200 extra Pokemon for free via trading or if you have the older games via Pokemon Home so there is nothing for them to get angry about but then this is the internet.

I think an expansion pass with two new areas is better than releasing the same game again just with extra Pokemon for £50.

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Medicine Man » Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:51 pm

I see big Reggie has been appointed to the Gamestop board...

https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/ ... -directors

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Re: Switch & Nintendo News/Discussion

Post by Medicine Man » Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:35 pm

Due later this year.

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