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Re: Currently Reading

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:50 am
by Snowy
Sly Boots wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:05 am
Yeah, I read a Jay Kristoff series last year, Nevernight Chronicles I think, and enjoyed it a lot, so will check that out when I finished this current series :)
Yes he is a really good author, I also loved the Nevernight Chronicles. With the Vampire series he has really raised the bar though, such a fantastic story.

Re: Currently Reading

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:48 pm
by ManBearSquid
Southern Reach Trilogy

I love the movie for Annihilation, and I saw that before reading any of the books. Having now read the novel, I thoroughly enjoyed it and absolutely rinsed it in a few sittings.

The movie now feels like its own story set within this universe, like it was one of the prior expeditions, rather than a re-telling of the novel. It's a tense and strange read that I was enthralled by throughout.

Now I'm somewhere beyond the halfway point of Authority which is a very different style and about double the size. It's a considerably slower read remaining full of introspection from its lead character and it retains intrigue through an entirely different lense. However, is it as gripping - or even as neat - as the first book? No. Thusly, I've taken this one much more slowly than its predecessor, but I've still been enjoying it.

Re: Currently Reading

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:45 am
by Alan
The Last Murder At The End Of The World - Stewart Turton
Really enjoyed it. Its a very well done sci-fi/postapoc Agatha Christie type thing. An flesh eating insect filled fog has encapsulated the globe leaving one island where the last of humanity managed to find a way to keep them at bay. A murder, the first in a century threatens that and we have to go on a wee whodunnit from there. The twists and turns were good and the ending rather satisfying. Also the page edges are sprayed and it looks nice :)

Trejo - Danny Trejo
Its his autobiography so you do have to take some things with a pinch of salt but its mostly cemented my opinion of him being a good guy with a big heart that has done some bad shit in his past. Its quite interesting. I did the audiobook though and that I wouldn't recommend, he's not a good reader. I did stick it out because I like hearing the person who lived it tell it but man it was tough going!

Frank The Voice & Sinatra The Chairman - James Kaplan
I wish I had picked something more concise than two fairly chunky ones but folk said it was the best bio of him and it was good. I never really had a view or an expectation of him being a terrific human but hes a bit of a shit to be honest. Treats few people well, has temper tantrums, had a few underaged girls (sure as hell sounds like at 38 he groomed a 15 year old Natalie Wood with the blessing of her mother) and just seems like a bit of an arsehole with some tallent. Its quite amusing that in this era of the Hays Code where married couples had to be shown with two single beds all the people making the films with just fucking each other all over the shop. Honestly when people talk about the immorality of today compared to in the past its pure BS. Humanity are naughty buggers and so they shall remain.

Good bio but it made me wish I was reading Ava Gardner's instead. She also seems like a bit of a shit but a very funny shit that didnt care for norms and enjoyed pushing peoples buttons. Famously when a reporter asked why she, one of the most beautiful women in the world was with a washed up 110lb hasbeen like Sinatra (was at the time) she answered "He's only 110lbs but 10lb is cock"

The Unexpected Return Of Josephine Fox - Claire Gradidge
Another whodunnit. I just bought it because it looked nice but quite enjoyed it. Its set around the time of Dunkirk, Jo Fox returns home trying to figure out who her father is and through taking a job at the mortuary gets drawn into investigating a possible murder and of course everything's linked because it always is. It was fine. An easy read but nothing mind blowing.