Amazon's MMO - New World

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Re: Amazon's MMO - New World

Post by Snowy » Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:07 am

Raid wrote:
Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:32 pm
DjchunKfunK wrote:
Sun Oct 03, 2021 12:52 pm
I haven't played WoW in a bit but aren't most the quests still go here kill this? If we are talking about quality of storytelling I think FFXIV has WoW beat on that front.
Admittedly FFXIV I don't know much about (honestly it was stupid of my to generalise without really having played many MMOs in the last decade), but I think any game is going to have a lot of "go here, kill this". What WoW got right was the variety in locations, as they have some really fantastical map designs. It was rare to visit the same location more than twice for a quest.
Most MMO quests are indeed 'go here and kill this' (I also can't comment on FF, never played any of them). New World does set a really low bar though. You tend to go back and forth to the same old spots and oftentimes they are real rinse and repeats. I have lost track of the number of farms overrun by zombie-types, square towers with skeletons, mines populated by more zombies and ramshackle camps overrun with undead pirates. All have chests that can be looted for crafting items and which add in a quest item if you have a particular quest, otherwise it will be 'kill X rats'. Your faction in each zone has a RNG type mission generator, as does the town board, where you can fill up your journal with identikit quests in order to keep the level grind moving (there are also story quests in each town but these sit in the same mould). As well as variety of quests, the mobs could also use some.

It really is very poor, plus it means that everyone is perpetually running around the same areas. With WoW, you might have a 10-level range for the quests/mobs in a particular zone but the design was such that you are driven through it levelling alongside the content as you go. With NW you go in and it is up to you to avoid the stuff that is going to eat you alive and find the stuff you can survive when going into a new zone.

But. I am still really enjoying it. Level 27 now and putting the lack of design and imagination around the quests and story to one side, it keeps pulling me back for more.
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Re: Amazon's MMO - New World

Post by DjchunKfunK » Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:31 am

Yeah I'm not saying the quest design is good, I just don't think any MMO has what I would call good quest design. Even FFXIV which is the pinnacle of the genre in terms of story has you mostly just going to and fro from places occasionally killing some stuff along the way. I've not minded it so far because it's mostly just there to get me XP and on the way I just farm resources, I do think the staff quest is especially egregious though when it asks you to just run to one place and then another.

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