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Christmas 2020!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:18 pm
by Tommy
What's the meal/meat/meat alternative?

What's the drink?

What's the tradition?

Currently making my way through an assortment of German lagers. My usual tradition is to organise a pub crawl for my friends somewhere in the city, then a taxi ride back to our local on Christmas Eve. Usually start at 12ish, finishes around midnight. Obviously not going to happen this year.

On a call with work the other day we were doing high and low points and my boss was saying he'd asked someone how he could stay sane in the family home for such a long period and their resopnse was to cherish it because, as adults, nobody ever gets to do it and he won't get to do it again. Which resonated, so we've dug out Trivial Pursuit for tomorrow.

EDIT: There's a logical step missing in that second sentence. So I've decided that rather than go to the one place doing takeaway pints tomorrow I'm going to spend it with the family and we have dug out Trivial Pursuit. :lol:

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:27 am
by Maturin
Hope you all have a nice Christmas guys and manage to make the most of it in strange times.

I'm with my parents and my sister (& her kids) after they isolated for a week - my other two brothers we won't be seeing this year. But as far as the kids are concerned we'll make it as normal a Christmas for them as possible.

Not really a drinker myself, but looking forward to all the Xmas food. :D

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:33 am
by Sly Boots
We had plans to spend Boxing Day with my dad and the 27th with my mum, both sets of plans out the window now unfortunately, so now we'll be spending Christmas on our own.

Usual routine tomorrow - leisurely lie-in until 6am or so when the kids will come bursting through our door and leaping around on our bed. We'll blearily retire downstairs pre-7am as the kids open presents like voracious wolverines stripping a carcass while we watch over the rim of a litre of coffee. The bottle of buck's fizz will likely open around 9am.

We'll be pretty set then until 10am or so when I start cooking Christmas lunch, as ever asking my wife if she really really needs sprouts when she's the only one in the house who can stomach them.

After lunch we'll probably collapse on the sofa and doze in front of a Christmas film we've stuck on in the hope it will stop the kids trashing the house for a few minutes, swearing that we'll never touch food again until I get hungry around 5pm and start cruising around for a leftovers sandwich.

I bloody love Christmas :D

Hope all you guys and girls have a great one.

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:25 pm
by Rossell
Merry Christmas one and all! My day will be spent with the mother and sister, open pressies, Xmas Dinner, play Tony hawks 1+2 which I bought for myself after the last few weeks thought sod it why not. Then just have a walk around the backyard (aka the woodland near me) and I'll fall asleep a bit too early like usual.

Edit: oh yeah if anyone is interested I've made my fave songs of 2020 playlist on ol Spotify: ... zQgGug7ZMQ

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:59 pm
by Raid
I'm spending this christmas by myself, so this evening I ended up watching Eurogamer's "Let's Watch" of dreadful out-of-copyright, badly overdubbed 1950s Mexican Christmas film; "Santa Claus versus The Devil."

If you want to see effects so bad they make you spill your gin and Santa's Wizard Merlin and his uranium saucepan, I'd recommend it.

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:32 pm
by Medicine Man
Merry Christmas everybody!

Hope you all have a safe and sensational time regardless of where you are or where you are not.

Cheers all! \:D/

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:57 pm
by Animalmother
Happy Christmas gents, hope you all have at the very least a normal and safe one :)

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:45 am
by Snowy
Happy Xmas all :)

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:22 am
by Mantis
Merry Christmas guys, have a good one.

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:25 pm
by Hatredsheart
Happy Christmas! Have a good one all!

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:36 pm
by eny
Merry Christmas everyone, have a great day. 👍🏻🍻🎄⛄

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:28 pm
by Sly Boots
Happy Christmas one and all :D

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:46 pm
by elgaucho
Merry Christmas all!

When this year started, I had planned to spend this Christmas back in South America, but that obviously didn't happen, so instead it's a quiet Christmas with Florey and I and some simple food and a movie.

I hope you're all having as good a holiday as conditions permit. :D

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:46 pm
by Wrathbone
Merry Christmas!

Re: Christmas 2020!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:07 pm
by 2Channelwonder
Merry Christmas everybody, nearly didn't get to login but thankfully the problems seem to have been solved, cheers Mantis :)

Present swappage will be tomorrow with the rellies driving around but Xmas has been as low key as Tier 4 suggests. However I'm not begrudging a Greggs sausage roll and BK fries for breakfast and Pizza Hut for dinner (but not the special Christmas pizza, might try that one next week :) )

EDIT: and the rellies will have to come back around again because of a late gift so I get to see them again though it'll be another Tier 4 drive-by and pop-around.