The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Wrathbone » Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:34 am

Animalmother wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:29 am
There's work being done on a house down the road from me and it's a mixture of kango hammers, chainsaws and Eastern European shouting. My other neighbor had a table saw out at 8am this morning. There was a machine sawing into the road yesterday evening to lay cable. They are doing maintenance on a nearby train line at night. It's just nonstop noise all day every fucking day. Include in that the cunts who leave dogs outside at night to bark and the occasional diversion of air traffic over my area. I think I'm going fucking nuts!
I sympathise - roadworks are being set up nearby, the neighbours kids are continuing to make an unceasing racket, there was a screaming match outside around midnight that went on for a full half an hour and this morning I was woken up at 6am by a barking standoff between what sounded like a big dog, a small dog and a yappy dog.

I would vote without hesitation for any political party that promises to implement a national Shut the Fuck Up law.

EDIT - I forgot the numerous bikes that zoom round at ear-bursting volumes at all hours for no clear reason. Someone needs to shove a marrow up their exhaust, in both the literal and euphemistic sense.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Animalmother » Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:46 am

Oh yeah I forgot about the dirt bikes that nearby shitebags seem to have an endless supply of. I admit in my weaker moments fantasizing about stretching a wire at neck height from lampposts...

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Snowy » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:20 pm

Animalmother wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:46 am
Oh yeah I forgot about the dirt bikes that nearby shitebags seem to have an endless supply of. I admit in my weaker moments fantasizing about stretching a wire at neck height from lampposts...
I am with you there. My road is generally populated with nice folks, but there are a bunch of terraces down at the end that have a right bunch of pikeys living in them. One has a motorbike with an idiotic race can on it that he thinks nothing of blatting down the road at 5:30am. No doubt in the rats rectum he uses for a brain, he figures if he is awake then fuck everyone else. I have a can of expanding foam in my shed, awaiting the day he leaves it out the front of his house. See how he gets on with a rock solid exhaust...
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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Snowy » Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:09 pm

Bastard fucking swine dog owners who shouldn't be.

I own a well trained border collie, she will heel on command, stop when told, sits down whenever she sees a cyclist coming towards her and is loved and well looked after. Part of that ownership is dealing with the fact that border collies are a massive ball of idiosyncrasies, so for me it involves creeping into the undergrowth when she has taken a shit to find and bag it - one of her weirds is that nobody can see her poop, so she never just squats down to do it. I pick it up because it is the right thing to do.

Anyhow I digress.

I also, being in my 50s now, own a fine pair of dad-spec sandals, properly soled, good for long walks but keeps a nice airflow to the feet. Comfortable, practical and hardwearing, fucked if I need anything like 'fashionable' any more. Just walked the dog, in the sandals. Got home, kicked them off, and wandered around barefoot sorting a drink and a few other things. Then I got a faint unmistakeable whiff.

Some fucker has not cleaned up his dog's shite, and I have managed to step in it in such a way it has got into the sandal and had a little dance about, being sure to smear itself nicely. Having picked up a bit of dust and dirt along the way I hadn't noticed. Cue 15 minutes of cleaning shitey footprints from the various floorings downstairs.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Animalmother » Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:38 pm

That makes my blood boil as well, it completely ruins your fucking day. It's the cunts who pick it up in a bag then toss it on the ground that baffle me.

The dog has has a dicky tummy at the mo and has to go for a wildly explosive shit around the 3am mark the past few nights. Cue me in my pj's bleary eyed and giving the poor dog gentle encouragement as the world falls out of his arse.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Wrathbone » Tue Aug 16, 2022 8:21 am

Absent-minded weariness from the weather + red bed sheet + white bath towels + boil wash = HOT PINK.

I've decided to embrace my new Barbie bathroom decor.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Sly Boots » Tue Aug 16, 2022 8:28 am


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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Medicine Man » Tue Aug 16, 2022 8:41 am

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Raid » Mon Aug 29, 2022 8:09 am

Company: We need to speak to you about non-descriptive issue that we can't reveal in this text for reasons of data protection. Please call us or go to and fill in our simple online form. is a full essay of a page with multiple forms, absolutely none of which look like they're for anything but brand new enquiries.

Fucks sakes, just tell me to sodding call you then rather than making me waste 5 minutes working out which of these forms I need to use. I hate it when companies direct you to a general page rather than a specific one. I understand that linking to a form that's specifically for the issue would reveal to the reader what the issue is so they probably can't do that, but it just feels like there should be an easier way of doing this.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Drarok » Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:35 am

Workplace bosses: We need to get <project> done now now now NOW NOW, ASAP! Go go go!

Designers: Yeah, so here's some half-arsed designs for like 20% of the things you need.

Me: I can't build things unless you tell me what needs to be built, we're going to miss this deadline if you don't provide me with information.


Me: I literally cannot progress until you give me more info.

Raid wrote:
Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:24 pm
And that's the story of why I'm not allowed near pregnant women for the next few weeks.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Alan » Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:33 am

I think I need to go in 101.

For around a year now my Internet has been running at less than half speed because I didn’t realise I had put a cat5 from my modem to router. I’m not one for watching downloads, it was just downloading mk11 (100+gb) a couple of days ago and noticing it peaking at 11.8MBps that I started troubleshooting. I actually thought my modem was overheating because of the red light on the front but apparently that’s a magenta light that signals modem mode, red is a totally (slightly) different shade - bloody stupid thing that! Oh well, fixed now! Zoom!
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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Drarok » Mon Sep 05, 2022 12:13 pm

Haaaa, oops!

You could try doing what I did to alleviate such problems, move to a house that maxes out at 32Mbit down.

Raid wrote:
Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:24 pm
And that's the story of why I'm not allowed near pregnant women for the next few weeks.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Wrathbone » Mon Sep 05, 2022 12:51 pm

NowTV streaming quality. I could extend this to the increasingly poor quality of streaming services in general due to bitrates being reduced, but NowTV is insultingly awful. I reluctantly shelled out for a month to watch House of the Dragon, which you'd think would be given some amount of preferential quality due to it being a flagship show, but no - it's like going back 10-15 years. I watched the first two episodes downloaded to my ipad due to being on holiday, and I thought the poor quality was because downloads from streaming services usually aren't great, but having just watched episode 3 on a 4k TV with a good internet connection I realise it's just a bag of shite, plain and simple. The resolution is DVD standard, the image has no depth, the colours are totally washed out and the artifacts are neverending. It's like trying to watch after bathing your eyes in saltwater.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Snowy » Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:21 pm


My own name, but an increasingly common annoying thing. People who consistently drive 10mph+ under the speed limit. Generally - but not always - they can be relied upon to reach 30mph but hitting a 40 limit makes no impression on their speed. 50? They do 40, tops. 60+ is also generally held at 40.

Having just been on holiday in Norfolk, which is peppered with coffin-dodgers, was the worst, they have twenty-unders and climbing there. Wonderful sweeping coastal B-roads tailor-made for an enjoyable drive, all rendered useless by these pockets of arse-fudge.

Oh, and overtaking them is on par with doing the Queen up the wrong'un in their eyes. Cue flashing and rage.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Alan » Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:33 pm

Headphone button placement. Can we just get some sort of committee to standardise it? XM4s power buttons on the left, Steel Series its on the right for example. It breaks my brain. Yes it might be easily broken but have some sympathy. Also can said committee outlaw swipe controls? Theres no world a button isnt better than swooshing your finger up and down your bloody ear! Microsoft and Apple have come up with very nice ways of controlling volume if you dont like buttons but stop the bloody swipe garbage!

Bonus moan. New iphone is still going to use lightning. Airpods Pro 3 also uses lightning! Youd think it would be a great time to say new airpods, new phone, might as well update the connecter on both and while theyre at it rerelease Airpods Max with an off button and a C port but no! Lightnings been a great connecter and was far far more desirable than mini or micro but its time to move on from USB 2.0 and let the world standardise you arse backward eejits! They also touted going above a 12mp camera sensor as innovative too.
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