The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Snowy » Mon Apr 08, 2024 6:58 am

Wrathbone wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:26 pm
I think the closest I've come to that level of assembly disaster was at the start of the pandemic where I decided to reorganise the second bedroom as proper office / entertainment room. It's a tiny room, but there wasn't room to do DIY anywhere else upstairs so I ended up putting together two 6ft bookcases and a big L-shaped corner desk in less space than you could swing a rat. Much swearing ensued over several hours, culminating in me having put most of the desk's metal frame together, which had backed me against the wall. As I carefully tried to navigate over it (with zero room for maneuver), I completely stacked it, belly-first, arms flailing for anything to break the fall. I ended up bruising my torso from where it landed on a metal bar, and I'd managed to topple one of the empty bookcases on top of myself. Took a while to untangle myself from that, then discovered I'd cut my arm open and was bleeding everywhere.
Uncanny. I had the Easter week off to redecorate my office, which culminated in building a modular storage unit from Ikea. My office layout also includes an L-shaped desk, and I also had no room once the majority of the unit was put together. The hours of blood sweat and tears, the pulsing thunderous rage that built over the same period...
Raid wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:26 pm
Perhaps. If I went outside and heard choral Latin, I'd maybe understand, but honestly I just think it's cute. I don't know why some people have such a problem with rats when they're clearly just existing.
I have owned several rodents over the years when I was younger. My girlfriend and I had one named Billy who would answer to his name, and spent a lot of time out of his cage with us. He would happily sit on shoulders and laps, perfectly happy to be stroked and petted, and was a genuinely lovely-natured creature.

We also have local FB groups and like Raid's they are a hotbed of middle-class hand-wringing. From idiotic requests that could easily be answered using Google ("What time does Morrisons close today?") to 'hilarious' running jokes ("What? Another Turkish barbers/coffee shop opening in town???" - always followed by "It's disgusting, they are just money-laundering!"), whining about dog turds, someone parking slightly outside a marked bay, honestly first world problems doesn't cut it, these are just first world dribblings by people who have nothing worth talking about.

But yeah, rats are fine, especially in a rural setting. You aren't gonna win so just leave them be.
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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Raid » Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:02 am

Snowy wrote:
Mon Apr 08, 2024 6:58 am
whining about dog turds,
God, this. Like, I get it, nobody wants to have to pick up excrement that has nothing to do with them, and having someone else's pet use their garden as a toilet is frustrating. But just what in the hell do they think they're going to achieve by posting photos of it?! Do they expect people to recognise their own dog's mess, and come and pick it up? Do they think they're shaming people by posting photos of faeces? I have a cat and her associated litter tray so I'm hardly squeamish when it comes to this stuff, but I don't particularly want to look at photos of shit. Nobody who is already irresponsible enough to leave their dog's mess on a garden or footpath is going to take the slightest bit of bloody notice.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Raid » Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:18 pm

My washing machine managed to completely turn itself off this morning with a drum-load and without draining. Firstly, washing machines are unbelievably awkward to drain without power, to the point where all of the skirting boards around the damned thing are now warped from water damage. I couldn't even get a baking tray into a position where it would catch anything dribbling out when I opened the drain port. I get why; the higher the water tank, the higher the centre of gravity, and these things wobble like mad already, and the drain tap has to go at the lowest point of that. Fine.

Turns out the thing had come unplugged at the socket. It took me 20 minutes to learn this as a half-full washing machine under a counter top is no easy thing to shift alone. I plugged it back in, set it to a drain cycle, and walked away. Came back 10 minutes later, and it had turned itself off again. I unplug it. The plastic part of one of the pins has ballooned and there's evidence that the pin itself has been arcing. The warped part of the pin had expanded enough to push the plug out of the socket and broken the connection. I don't know if they're designed to do that, but yikes. I imagine it's an extremely simple problem; the machine vibrating has shaken the plug out just enough for it to conduct through the air and it's heated the pin up enough to warp the plastic.

So this should be a simple fix. Obviously needs a new plug. The plug is, of course, moulded onto the cable, and the cable does not connect to a socket on the machine, it's hard-wired. Fine, I can probably cut it off and re-wire it. I cannot find another unmoulded plug in the house. Is there a law that means all plugs must be moulded to the cable now? They're not exactly expensive to buy, but 75% of my clothes are in the damned machine now (as the machine didn't turn off properly, the door is still locked) and will be until wednesday which'll be the first opportunity I have to fix the thing, and I can't pretend I'm happy about having to take a pair of wire cutters to a large appliance.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Wrathbone » Wed May 01, 2024 3:39 pm

Just had a weird experience. I was on the phone to my mum, having a catch-up, when the call went silent. This in itself isn’t especially unusual as the mast near me is a wreck (it’s been repeatedly vandalised), but what happened next was very odd. After five seconds or so of silence and me asking if she could hear me, the call changed to heavy breathing intermingled with a disturbing gurgling noise that kept coming and going. It sounded like Cthulhu had joined the call. I assumed my mum had dropped the phone or something, but after 20 seconds the call ended.

She then rang back and I asked her what she’d done, only for her to ask the same of me. We’d both heard the same thing. :shock:

Presumably it was some cockup with the signal or something, but the heavy breathing was very distinct and bizarre. Better keep an eye out for black helicopters on the horizon! :lol:

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Alan » Thu May 02, 2024 3:02 pm

Someone at the phone company really likes whatever you two were talking about! :shock:

Facebook marketplace. Its getting more and more unusable. Used to be it was full of businesses listing stuff cheap but saying "message for price" or whatever as a free advert but now AI has stepped in. Our bed starting to give a little at one corner (more annoying that anything else if you sit on one specific spot) and since I'm a bit skint from overspending on the missus birthday I figured I could grab a cheap bed frame from FB. Apparently nope! It is flooded with fake accounts, with AI created images (usually cute looking girls) listing things cheap and asking you to whatsapp them. I can only assume this is some way of harvesting active phone numbers so they can bury people in spam and scams in hope of a payout of some kind. They are very obvious if you click through to their other items but a lot of people won't do that. It was one of the last few things FB was good at.

Also while I'm here maybe I'm getting older and grumpier but I swear other drivers are getting worse. I dont remember people holding the middle lane fucking evvvverywhere like they are now. Rush hour, middle of the night, it doesn't matter the plonkers are still sitting there for some reason. I dont even get why.

Oh and bike lanes! They are tearing up perfectly fine roads round Glasgow to install bike lanes which are ruining traffic flow and causing tailbacks almost certainly causing more environmental damage and it wasnt that bad to cycle in the first place! Apparently they did the same in Edinburgh and noted a drop in cycle use after? :lol: There's a road in Inverness that is only wide enough for two cars yet they have drawn cycle lanes on both sides taking up 50% of each lanes width and I'm not sure if they expect us to ride the centre like like its a train track or stick to our own lanes and only move out if theres a cyclist... WHICH WE WOULD FUCKING DO ALREADY! ](*,) Useless bastards! They are doing all this and not even fixing the bloody potholes that are way more prevalent than they were. Up the side of the Mitchell Library they have added speed bumps and litteral inches from these new speed bumps are potholes which they could have used the bloody speedbump to cover if they just moved it a bit!

Fucking Glasgow council!

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Rusty » Thu May 02, 2024 4:20 pm

I don't think I'd ever buy anything from facebook but I do check out the seller's profile. How old is it? How many posts has it got? Does it look legit? etc.

Driving: yup, people just don't bother indicating. It's not just BMW and Audis now. It's everyone. If I have to stop at one more roundabout because the buffoon doesn't indicate that they're turning off and I could have continued.... grrr

Bikes: There a new estate being developed near us. It's a big one that requires it's own school and doctors and stuff. They've built the road but they could have added a cycle path or at least a footpath. There's nothing. I love cycling (as long as it's electric :) ) but will avoid lots of roads that I know invite dangerous overtakes.
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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Animalmother » Thu May 02, 2024 8:18 pm

The dog died yesterday and I'm absolutely gutted. I keep walking into the kitchen and expect to see him or hear him giving hell to the neighbors dog outside. Treasure your doggies guys as they won't be around forever :cry:

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Sly Boots » Thu May 02, 2024 8:19 pm


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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Alan » Thu May 02, 2024 10:12 pm

Fuck man, I'm so sorry :(
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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Rusty » Fri May 03, 2024 6:49 am

We lost one of ours a few weeks back. It really hits hard doesn't it? Definitely one of the family members has gone.
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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Sly Boots » Fri May 03, 2024 6:50 am

Our little dachshund just turned three a couple of days ago, and I'm already preemptively bereft thinking about what it will be like when he's no longer around :(

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Animalmother » Fri May 03, 2024 8:27 am

Sly Boots wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 6:50 am
Our little dachshund just turned three a couple of days ago, and I'm already preemptively bereft thinking about what it will be like when he's no longer around :(
Assuming he stays healthy he'll be around at least another 10+ years mate. Small dogs live much longer. It's only after they're gone you realise how much your day to day life revolves around them. They rely so much on us for practically everything and that's suddenly gone. As Rusty said it's a member of the family and I'll miss him dearly.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Hatredsheart » Fri May 03, 2024 8:43 am

Animalmother wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 8:18 pm
The dog died yesterday and I'm absolutely gutted. I keep walking into the kitchen and expect to see him or hear him giving hell to the neighbors dog outside. Treasure your doggies guys as they won't be around forever :cry:
So sorry mate, I had an OES for 10 years and was gutted when he went. Not as bad as losing a child ofc but bloody close.
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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Raid » Fri May 03, 2024 12:12 pm

I lost what had been my first pet last year. Despite not having seen her for two years (she belonged to my ex), it still hurt as much as losing any member of my family ever has. This is one of those things that people that don't own pets don't really comprehend; people can form bonds with animals that are just as strong as those with other humans, stronger in some cases.

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Re: The Room 101 thread - for things you hate or just having a bloody good moan

Post by Animalmother » Fri May 03, 2024 12:56 pm

Definitely agree there. I admit he annoyed the living fuck out of me at times but he was always there and just full of unconditional love. I made some toast earlier and turned around to give him a bit of the crust before realising he was gone.

Right I'm finished talking about him or else I'm going to cry.

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